Surely it was one story worth writing about -- As always been.
My mind scribbles automatically every magical bits of my seconds with you. I suddenly wished I have paper and pen with me at the moment. Though we are always together, we talk hours over the phone, we make use of every fingers to send sms, we go home together from work, have dinner sometimes, every detail of my activities you know and I spill, same goes for you, I still can't get out the POET in me everytime you're beside me. Part of my reservedness is a barrier called 'you-might-find-me-corny' so to speak, but really, I can't spit words right from my head - the exaggerating effort I force out of myself a failure. It is as if I would melt when you stare at me as I search for words and I am used to keeping everything to myself. Frankly speaking, I find it difficult to say I love you but I've learned and loved to do it not just to assure you or be somehow romantic but because I JUST DO LOVE YOU.
To start everything off, I knew it had been a tough week for us, or maybe a month? We've been into fights several times. And just like any other fights, I don't know where lies the problem, rather a misunderstanding. I kept asking myself whether you changed (I hope not) or it was me who's experiencing paranoia -- so close to being retarded that I demand every single thing and make big deals out of it. Talk about being a WOMAN! Nature you can blame so but I realized I've known you for so long that if you change the sails of your boat, I knew right there and then what factors made you to become like that or what pushed you to it. So, if anything goes unusual or wrong for me, it triggers my so called 'woman nature' to stick my nose to everything, everything about you.
When we had dinner during our pay day, it was the very first time I did not enjoy what we ate. But it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy your company, you know I always do. Yet that day was just not good, tough and very dramatic for me. I really felt bad about the tissue thing. I wrote on it about our date and I filled all the spaces with a heavy heart. At first I thought it was not worth writing if it's been a bad day but in time, we would be laughing our ass off while reading all the crazy things we did in the past. When we reminisce in the future, when we realized how stupid we get when we're madly inlove. ♥ When moments like these occur, I know we will not end it without compromising. At the end of the day, I'll say I love you even if I'm the most moody and hard-headed girl in the world, even if how mad I become once and for all, because I'm just mad, not that I don't love you anymore. Get it, get it?
We went to the market this morning after mass with Paps, like what a husband and wife do when they're planning what menu to make for that day or the rest of the week then we rummaged your kitchen. We chopped garlic, onions, onion leaves, pork and tofu, sauteed, mixed and everything you can do in the kitchen and dining. Sometimes we will kiss, hug, giggle, stare at each other, all the while making ourselves imagine what we would become when we enter married life. I wore your shirt, took some photos of our new couple slippers, ate like king and queen then settled ourselves until we were ready to go out and enjoy the rest of our day for our big Sunday date. :) And then we watched a movie which we anticipated to be fun! And it was! We bought coffee and doughnuts, so unusual snack for movies, went window shopping, tried some hats and costumes for the upcoming Halloween. "I wish we are celebrating Halloweens here," I said. And then you replied, "I'll go trick or treat at your house" like kids wanting to have candies on that day. The movie plus the food we brought were all great! Good thing I used to multitask so I didn't get lost with the story while cuddling with you and at the same time, drinking my hot coffee. PERFECT DAY it was. Not to mention we both have our stomachs so full, ready to kick the comfort room's door. But we got home just right on time. Lovely! ♥
The best thing about the day Baby? It's when I got home, alone again for the remaining hours yet I still feel your hands in mine, your lovely kisses and hugs, your smile, sweet nothings and... For the longest time I've been living, I felt how really great it is to be in love, to be loved by someone you love so much in return, to find the best partner, best friend, brother and boyfriend -- to find YOU, to somehow feel your presence even though you're not with me anymore. Thank you will never be enough, but let me say it for I'll never be thankful in my life have you not took the initiative to know me, to like me, to be with me. Thank you. I'm really glad I have you. Babe, I will love you always and forever... Every piece of you, every strand of your hair, every pore in your body.
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